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Electronics Retailer Boosts Online Revenue with Taxonomy Redesign and Search Optimization

+5% Conversion Rate

+20% Search Recall

+10% Navigation Success

On Budget, On Time Delivery


  • Low ecommerce conversion rates

  • Low customer satisfaction

  • Low search relevancy and product findability

  • Suboptimal navigation and filtering options

  • Ungovernable, “wild west” taxonomy


  • Revised site architecture and taxonomy design for top and left navigation

  • IDA work environment leveraged for design analytics and issue tracking

  • Search optimization, including typeahead implementation

  • Revised search thesaurus

  • Round trip ETL to home-grown client platform, including go-live testing

  • Data fill documentation and QA

  • Governance documentation and training materials authored


  • Improved site findability, driving higher conversion rates

  • Improved search relevancy, with quantifiable improvements of recall and precision

  • A practical taxonomy and maintenance plan that has served the organization continuously for years

  • Improved ROI for SEO and SEM activities

  • New opportunities to analyze revenue and trends

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